The Glowe Story

Whitney Kenter
Whitney Kenter
Dec 30, 2020

We are made of energy, so it’s no surprise that focusing on where the energy is – or isn’t – can help individuals and businesses achieve their full potential. Recognizing the importance of energy in ourselves and in our interactions with others is a critical element for personal and professional fulfillment.

I spent years where short bursts of gloweing with energy helped me push through. During those years I often felt resigned to the notion that this was just a normal cycle - that no one stays in perpetual glowe. But that journey from dim to gloweing and back was an exhausting one, and I was determined there had to be a better way.

My Journey from dim to gloweing

When you glowe, you wake up every day with enough energy for yourself, others, and your business. You provide the momentum to keep things not only moving forward, but also evolving, breaking new ground. You are aware of where you’re trying to go, and you are purposefully engaging your unique superpowers to the fullest extent possible.

I have been in many situations where my energy was not valued, or where I was applying it in ways that ran counter to what was truly important to me. That is, until I woke up, and stepped away. For me, the journey to gloweing (which is ongoing) included an evolving yoga practice, many teachers and friends, exploration into energy practices and healing, and serial serendipitous moments that validated my instinct that I could live the life I envisioned.

Learning what makes you glowe

Now, I refuse to believe that peaks and valleys must define my life. It is possible to create and sustain a glowe. But first you’ve got to figure out what lights you up from your core, and align your life to enable you to keep that energy flowing. For me, it means this: I am a spark. I am meant to help people “unlock” their energy - be it through ideas, identify blocks in the organization, or just providing the needed energy to help others glowe brighter. I bring the magic – the energy – the passion – but I am also grounded in good business practices to create alignment.

My purpose is to inspire, create, and connect. I’ve worked with sophisticated business owners and entrepreneurs on their financial and structural strategies while also helping their families create cultures of trust and healthy communication. I’ve worked with startups to help them unlock big and small blocks so they can move forward or stop before they waste too much time and money. And now, my awareness of my purpose and strengths have led me to start a new kind of business.

A shift is taking place

After 25+ years of doing business, I have observed that the old, top-down, profit-driven, “grinding” way no longer serves us. The future is about self awareness, alignment, and honoring the value of our time and energy. It’s about ending the cycle of passing on the wounds of your own negative career experiences to others because “I survived it, so they can too.” It’s about recognizing when masculine and feminine energies are out of balance, or when one is valued and rewarded more than the other (and, by the way, this doesn’t simply mean a gender-balanced headcount).

Many business owners have recognized that this shift is happening. They can sense the massive potential of themselves and their employees, but they can’t quite put their finger on what needs to change. I created Glowe Connective to help people navigate this shift for the betterment of themselves and their businesses.

Are you ready to get started?

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